
Mr. Serv-On Explains Why It Took Over 20-Years to Realize The Impact of The “No Limit” Movement; Talks Reunion Tour!



Mr. Serv-On broke musical barriers when he collaborated with, Big Pun and created a classic with his debut album, “Life Insurance!” There was a time where, Master P’s roster on No Limit Records was full of talented artists. He literally created a “Dream Team” type atmosphere and we typically got a chance to hear every member of that, dream team during the intro of the roster members albums. Lyrically, tank member, Mr. Serv-On always stood out. Always able to hold his own with a faster paced lyri…
続きを読む>>Mr. Serv-On Explains Why It Took Over 20-Years to Realize The Impact of The “No Limit” Movement; Talks Reunion Tour!
