
Trinidad Cardona On Recording “Love Me Back,” His Next Single, Def Jam, Career Goals & More



The odyssey of Trinidad Cardona began with the futuristic R&B single “Jennifer” in 2017. The viral hit scored over 12 million streams and over 53 million YouTube views. Its success led to his 2018 single “Dinero,” an ode to toxic romances with its Miami-flavored rumba horns and driving beat. The track revived phoenix-like in 2021, as a #1 TikTok Viral chart sensation with over 65 million streams. As a newly-minted Def Jam artist in 2022, the back-to-back global successes of “Hayya Hayya (Be…
続きを読む>>Trinidad Cardona On Recording “Love Me Back,” His Next Single, Def Jam, Career Goals & More
